Ameliorative effect of Nigella Sativa on Absolute Weight, Relative Weight, and Body Weight after Doxorubicin Induced Kidney of Albino Rats


  • Wazir Ahmad Baloch Assistant Prefessor, Department of Anatomy, Makran Medical College, Makran, Pakistan.
  • Sadia Sundus Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Iqra Medical and Dental Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Maria Mohioddin Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Hamdard Medical University, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Sarwath Fatmee Department of Anatomy, Fatima Jinah Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Ashok Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University, Pakistan.
  • Abdullah Jaan Department of Pharmacology, Loralai Medical College, Balochistan, Pakistan.


Doxorubicin(DOX), Nigella sativa (NS), Intraperitoneal, Thymoquinone


Background: Doxorubicin (DOX) belongs to anthracyclines antibiotics, used for the treatment of several malignancies, and its use is limited because of various organ injuries. The seeds of Nigella sativa are beneficial in several illnesses.

Objective: To explore the ameliorative role of Nigella sativa on body weight, absolute and relative weight of on Doxorubicin-induced albino rats kidney.

Methodology: Study design: Comparative study. Setting: BMSI (Anatomy Department), JPMC, Karachi. Study duration: 26th January to 2nd March 2017. Forty adult albino rats, 90-120 days old, weighing between 180~200 grams, were taken from the animal house and distributed into four groups. Group-A1 was the control group, Group-B1 was given Doxorubicin, 3mg/kg bw/week, intraperitoneally (ip), Group-C1 treated with Doxorubicin (3mg/kg bw/week intraperitoneally) and NS (1000mg/kg bw/week orally) daily, and Group-D1 were given only NS (1000mg/kg bw orally).

Results: The body weight of Group A1 was considerably elevated (p=0.001) when compared with Group B1 and C1. The body weight was considerably decreased (p=0.001) in Group B1 comparison with Group A1, C1, and D1 but a highly significant raise (p=0.001) in the absolute and relative weight of the kidneys was observed in Group B1as compared to A1, C1, and D1.

Conclusion: This study concludes that Nigella sativa restored the body weight, absolute and relative kidney weight in Doxorubicin treated group.


