Outcome of Percutaneous pinning among Children with displaced Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus


  • Muhammad Ali Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Civil Hospital Bahawalpur/Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Kashif Siddiq Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Civil Hospital Bahawalpur/Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Khizer Hayat Makki Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Civil Hospital Bahawalpur/Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Safdar Baig Oral & Dental Surgery, QMC/BVH/Civil Hospital Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Ghulam Qadir Khan Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Civil Hospital Bahawalpur/Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Shahid Riaz Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Civil Hospital Bahawalpur/Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.


Humerus, Supracondylar, Fracture, Children, Outcome, Percutaneous Pinning


Background: Percutaneous pining among children with displaced supracondylar fracture of the humerus, may offer additional benefits to patients in terms of outcome.


Objective: To determine the union of fracture and range of motion at elbow, in supracondylar fracture, among children, with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning.


Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted, from 19th December 2016 to 19 May 2018, at Ortho Unit 2, Nishtar Hospital, Multan, patients of both sex, having supracondylar fracture (Gartland type II and III) diagnosed radiographically, and presenting within 1st week of injury, were included, and patients with a history of previous surgery or trauma over the arm, compound fracture and neurovascular compromise, were excluded. All patients were operated for the fracture (closed reduction and pinning under image intensifier). The patients were discharged the next day after the procedure. The follow up completed at 6 weeks postoperatively by Flynn's criteria.


Results: Out of 254, 202 (79.5%) patients were fulfilling the satisfactory level of outcome, 52 (20.5%) patient showed an unsatisfactory level of outcome according to operational definition In this study, 96 (37.8%) males and 106 (41.2%) females patients shows satisfactory outcome whereas 23 (9.1%) males and 29 (11.4%) females patients showed unsatisfactory level of outcome (p= 0.04). Out of 254 patients 59 (23.2%) showed excellent, 94 (37%) good, 49 (19.3%) fair and 52 (20.4%) poor outcome based on Flynn’s criteria.

Conclusion: From our study, the percutaneous pinning of displaced supracondylar fracture of humerus among children under image intensifier is the effective method of treatment in our study setting.


