Awareness and use of Energy Drinks among 3rd year Medical Students of Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan


  • Sana Tufail Pharmacology Department, Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan.
  • Khursheed Anwar Department of Pharmacology, Quaid e Azam Medical College, Bahawalpur
  • Asad Mahmood Khan Department of Pharmacology, Faisalabad Medical University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Ghulam Rasool Forensic Medicine, Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan.
  • Shama Iqbal Department of Physiology, Sheikh Zayad Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan.


Energy Drinks, stimulant drug, caffeine


Background: Energy drink is a beverage having a stimulant drug like caffeine, marketed as mental and physical stimulator.

Objective: To determine the awareness about energy drinks, their ingredients and side effects and pattern of use of energy drinks among medical students.

Methodology: In this cross sectional study, a questionnaire was distributed among all of the 147 students, present at the time of data collection of 3rd year MBBS class at Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan, who have studied pharmacology thoroughly, in 2018. The questions assessed the knowledge about energy drinks, pattern of consumption and side effects. The impact of pharmacology knowledge about ingredients and its effect on pattern of energy drink consumption were also studied. Data was analyzed in SPSS version 17.

Results: Overall 147 students participated in this study. Out of these, 58% students consumed energy drinks. Most (80%) students were aware that energy drinks are not good for health. Most of students (75%) were aware of the presence of caffeine. After having studied about caffeine in subject of pharmacology, consumption of energy drinks was decreased in 36.36% students and increased in 23% while in 40% it did not affect its consumption.

Conclusion: This study concluded that majority of the medical students were consuming energy drinks and most of them were aware of the hazards of its use. Majority of the students were not aware about the exact amount of caffeine in energy drinks and pharmacology knowledge had either not reduced or did not affected its use.


