Frequency of Spinal Tuberculosis in Patients Complaining for Backache on MRI


  • Malik Liaqat Ali Jalal
  • Muhammad Rizwan
  • Khalood Munir



Spinal TB, Back Pain, MRI


Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique that uses a magnetic field and computer-generated radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues in your body.MRI is an effective method for evaluating patients presenting with spinal TB. It is non-ionizing and non-invasive; has a high sensitivity, and therefore it can also be useful in the follow-up of patient with spinal TB.

Objective: To determine the frequency of spinal TB in patients complaining for back pain and history of weight loss on MRI in Radiology Department of Sheikh Zayed Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan.


Study Design: Cross Sectional Study. Setting: Radiology Department of Sheikh Zayed Medical College/Hospital Rahim Yar Khan. Duration: six months from………………….to ……………. Ethical approval wa sought from IRB of………………… All male and female patients having radiating back pain and history of weight loss were included in this study. They were referred for MRI study by senior Neurologist and from Neurology, Orthopedics ward and OPD. A total of 102 patients were selected for this study, informed verbal consent was taken and MRI reports were collected from consultant radiologist office. All data was recorded on a predesigned Proforma which included questions about age, history like previous pulmonary TB, GIT infection or any spinal deformity.

Results: Out of 102 patients, only five (4.9%) were having spinal TB. The mean age of patients was 43.93, median 45 and mode 45 with Standard deviation of 14.63 years. Conclusion: this study found that a notable proportion of patients complaining for back pain and weight loss, have TB as diagnosed on MRI.

