Frequency and Indications of Lower Segment Cesarean Section in Multiparous Women with previous Normal Deliveries
Multiparity, Cesarean section, Indications, Fetal distressAbstract
Background: Cesarean section (CS) has become a frequent practice in the recent years while this increase has been seen in developing as well as developed countries. The aim of current study was to determine the frequency of lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) along with indications of LSCS in multiparous women with previous normal deliveries.
Methods: This was a cross sectional study, done at the Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Nishtar Hospital, Multan, from 20th July 2018 to 20th January 2019. A total of 222 pregnant women with live singleton pregnancy at term with gestational age between 37 to 41weeks and multipara with no previous LSCS were included in the study. The decision to undertake LSCS if indicated was made in every case after complete assessment. Data was collected for frequency of LSCS and its indications in shape of fetal distress, antepartum hemorrhage and malpresentation.
Results: Mean age was 32.720±1.96 years, mean height 1.551±0.11 meters and mean BMI was 27.855±3.14 Kg/m2. Most women were 31-35 years (90.5%) of age and 2-4 parity (89.2%). Primary caesearen section was seen in 43 patients (19.4%). Indications for primary caesarean section were malpresentation 27.9%, fetal distress 41.9% and antepartum hemorrhage 30.2%.
Conclusion: The frequency of LSCS in multiparous women with previous normal deliveries was noted to be 19.4%. Fetal distress turned out to be commonest indication for primary caesarean followed by antepartum hemorrhage and malpresentation.