Assessment of awareness of Andropause Induced Osteoporosis and measurement of Serum Calcium levels in Men of different age groups


  • Shameela Majeed Assistant Professor Pathology, Watim Medical College, Rawat, Pakistan.
  • Shahid Jamal HOD Pathology, Watim Medical and Dental College, Rawat, Pakistan.
  • Aurangzaib HOD Community Medicine, Watim Medical and Dental College, Rawat, Pakistan.
  • Nabeela Naeem Assistant Professor Pathology, Watim Medical and Dental College, Rawat, Pakistan.


Male menopause, serum total calcium, bone mineral density


Background: Andropause is under-emphasized in our population, and evidence is scarce on this male health problem.

Objective: To assess the andropause awareness and serum calcium level estimation in men who are at a high risk of developing osteoporosis due to age-related androgen deficiency.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 adult men from November-2018 to February-2019. The awareness collection tool was a structured questionnaire comprising of sociodemographic variables and questions which explored the awareness of osteoporosis due to andropause. Serum calcium levels were also measured in different age groups. Data collected were analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version-20.

Results: Overall 51% of men were aware of the term andropause while the percentage of the participants who believed that andropause may be the underlying cause of osteoporosis in advancing age was only 26.6%. Serum calcium showed a negative correlation with advancing age (Pearson correlation coefficient, r-value: -0.58).

Conclusion: Though more than half of the men were aware of the knowledge of andropause they lack the awareness that osteoporosis might occur due to androgen deficiency. Moreover, decreased serum calcium levels were also observed with advancing age.


