Hba1c: Point of Care Testing in Control of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus in Population of Nowshera


  • Hamzullah Khan Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Basharat Khan Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Pakistan
  • Shabir Hussain Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Pakistan
  • Saiqa Zahoor Post Graduate Medical Institute(PGMI) HMC, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Asif Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi, Pakistan
  • Shahtaj Khan Post Graduate Medical Institute(PGMI) HMC, Peshawar, Pakistan


Diabetes mellitus, Glycosylated hemoglobin, Glycemic control


Background:  Diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent non-communicable disease with a further implication of the development of life-threatening diseases like cardiovascular disease and stroke.  

Objectives: To determine the glycosylated hemoglobin levels utility in assessing the point of care testing in the control of diabetes mellitus in the population of Nowshera in a hospital-based study.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, conducted in the department of Pathology in collaboration with the Department of General Medicine, Qazi Hussain Ahmed Medical Complex, Nowshera, from February 2019 to January 2020. Descriptive statistic was used for describing the variables. A Chi-square test was used for the association of Hba1c in gender groups. SPSS version 25 was used for data analysis.


Out of the total 119 patients, 44 (37%) were males and 75(63%) were females. The mean age with standard deviation was 53±9.5. The Mean Hba1c with standard deviation was 10.53± 2.38. Sixty-eight (57.1%) of the patients were in the age range 46-60 years. Eighty-eight (73.9%) were poorly controlled diabetics with Hba1c of >9%. Using the chi-square test it was observed that gender has no significant impact on the severity of the disease (p= 0.38). The relative risk of female gender and for age >50years was (RR=1.11).

Conclusion: We observed that the majority of the patients had poorly controlled diabetes with Hba1c >9% which is an alarming situation. Age and gender play a very important role in the prognosis of diabetes mellitus.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Basharat Khan, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Pakistan

Assistant Professor Chemical Pathology

Shabir Hussain, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Pakistan

Assistant Professor Medicine


